Thursday, April 9, 2009

I'm Cyber Famous!

A few weeks back, I entered a photo of one of my pieces along with some words of reflection to Creativity Portal's 365 Picture Prompts, and today my submission is appearing!

"Going public" by keeping a blog, starting an Etsy shop and submitting pieces to Creativity Portal were all big steps in my artistic life. It took me a long time to feel confident enough to put myself "out there" but I'm so glad that I did! It's worth taking the risk, and I know that the journey always begins with a single step!

Till next time...

PS...Chris Dunmire is still accepting submissions for her 365 Pictures project. You should join us!

1 comment:

Sara Moriarty said...

yay. bravo. congrats. yipee. i am happy for you Jean. This inspires me to take those small steps.