Sunday, April 22, 2012

Third Week of Eastertide

April 22, 2012
Third Week of Eastertide
Jesus and Thomas
John 20:19-29 “Do Not Doubt...Believe"

We don’t know why Thomas was not there the first time that Jesus stood among the disciples saying, "Peace be with you." Later they told him what had happened, and it was just too incredible. We have no reason to think that Thomas was a faithless person, less loyal to Jesus that the others. He just couldn’t believe the unbelievable. When Thomas encountered his risen Lord, seeing with his own eyes, hearing Jesus’ voice, touching the wounds, the incredible and unbelievable became a wondrous reality, and changed his life. It's difficult to believe what we can't see with our own eyes. During those times when we question, we can remember the story of Thomas, keeping our eyes open for signs of God around us. Our faithful friends may tell us that they have seen the Lord in their lives.  And we can feel the blessing of Jesus when we hold on to our faith and become one of “those who have not seen and yet come to believe.

” Prayer of Faith… I know, God, that through you all things are possible. Help me to remember this when my life is filled with doubt...when I am troubled by difficult moments and hard questions. And remind me that I have a community of faithful friends to turn to when I need to be reassured of your presence. May our knowledge of you shine ever more clearly within us, that we may perceive the breadth of your blessings, the extent of your promises, the height of your majesty, the depth of your judgments. St. Francis of Assisi, from his prayer inspired by the Lord's Prayer.

© 2012 Jean Foley

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