Sunday, October 25, 2009

Max Costume Complete!

Definitely appropriate for the Super Cute Sunday theme...

This is just one of the reasons I haven't been contacting my friends or keeping up on this blog lately :) Between work and home, I have been zapped of all excess energy! If you are one of my imaginary friends....I haven't forgotten about you! I'll be in touch soon!!

Thank you to the people at McCall's who provided me with the start for this costume! I had to get pretty creative with the hands, ears, buttons, tail and crown, but it would have been a train wreck without this (and it was on sale for 99 cents!)...

Really I don't dislike to cook, but what you cook is eaten so quickly. When you sew, you have something that will last to show for your efforts.
-Elizabeth Travis Johnson


DJ said...

Wow, you did a great job, Super Seamstress! It looks very professional, as well as having an adorable model...

Ruthie Redden said...

now that looks fab! i shall have to remember that idea *ruthie