Sunday, November 18, 2012

Julia Galloway Workshop

I spent Friday night and all day Saturday at a Julia Galloway pottery workshop.  She is an amazing potter who does wonders with surface work and was THE MOST inspiring speaker!  If you have a chance to see her ever, DO IT!  In the meantime, visit her website at
She did demos on tumblers, handles and spouts, salt and pepper bowls, and more, working mainly with porcelain.  She throws standing up, which was something new to me...maybe I'll give it a try sometime!  
What I gained most from her presentation was to learn to be comfortable with my own style, and to not be afraid to experiment.  Boy, is that a growing edge for me!  "Make enough that you don't mind losing least in the beginning," she says.  She shared her journey as a potter with us, which, as always, includes challenges.  One thing she said that really stuck with me was, "You never know how great a predicament is, until you're in it!"  In other words, you grow from those struggles (a truth for life in general, I'd say).
She brought some items available to purchase like these sweet little cloud cups...
And this beautiful salt and pepper pot...
I was ecstatic to be able to purchase this adorable lidded salt bowl!  It was a popular item, and I was watching my back when I walked to my car at the end of the workshop!  LOL!  Check out the hollow lid on this and the fine surface decoration...oh...and the lid is a rattle, too!  Can't get much sweeter!  I'll be finding a place of honor in my home for this little treasure!

Well, off to make some pots today!  See you next time!
Jean :)
"You can't help but be exactly who you are!"
Julia Galloway

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