I recently bought a used electric kiln from a friend, so it's definitely time to start creating! In November and December, I spent most of my clay time on the wheel, but lately, I've been feeling more called to make small pieces by hand, just for fun!
Today, I created a bit of delight,
along with some round tuits,
and some unicorn horns :)
So if you see any tiny unicorns that are missing a horn, tell them I have some extras! I'll probably paint them gold when they're out of the oven :)
I really love making small things out of clay, bisque firing them, and painting them with acyrlic paints. I'm getting quite a collection of these little bits and pieces! I think I'll be using them on some of the 6x6 artist boards that are lying around my house! I'll post some photos of the completed projects!
Oh...I almost forgot...I joined a new challenge yesterday! It's called The Creative Every Day Challenge, and you can find it at www.creativeeveryday.com.
The challenge is to create something each day of 2009 (which could become quite a challenge when my Christmas vacation is over!). Each month there will be a theme, and January's theme is PLAY! So today, in addition to playing in the basement with clay, I also started a mixed media piece called, "I Love to Play." (so sorry, but you'll have to wait to see that one!).
I recently finished 2 months of "Creating Every Day" on the Coach Creative Space website - what perfect preparation for this new challenge! Speaking of Coach Creative Space, if you are a Julia Cameron fan, you should take a look at the new Julia Cameron's readers groups at coachcreativespace.com. A group of us are just beginning to read The Vein of Gold! Come join us!!
May joy follow you until the next time!
Jean, Thanks for the peek into your creative space. I'm impressed that you have a kiln all to yourself, and will enjoy seeing the products that result.
Great photos, BTW.
Love & Laughter
Thank you, DJ! I love having the kiln, too...now I just need to start putting it to use!! :)
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