Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Four Seasons

I've been working on a fun project at Coach Creative Space called "Four Seasons." There are twelve artists who will each be making four pieces of art to represent the seasons. We can use any media we want (we even have someone writing haiku!).

I decided to make trees in mixed media. My first tree ended up being a winter wonderland! The base is card stock covered in texture medium. I did some garage sailing :) and brought home some very inexpensive collage items to use. I sprinkled my tree with sparkly white glitter, pearls and beads. I only wish my camera could give you the full effect of the sparkles!

Here's a close up peek...

Of course, spring must follow, and I'm off to a good start by carving some cherry blossoms out of clay. I love carving clay!

Will post more as it materializes! In the meantime, check out the Coach Creative Space link above and visit the "Four Seasons" group. You'll find some beautiful work there!

No winter lasts forever, no spring skips its turn.
-Hal Borland

Monday, July 4, 2011

Another Celebration!

One more reason for the family to celebrate this year! My younger daughter just graduated from French Pastry School! I'd like to suggest that everyone encourages their children to go to pastry school, just so you can enjoy a party that looked like this! Of course, living with her during the program was a pretty sweet experience as well! I was so appreciative of her hard work! I am also extremely thankful that the church staff where I worked enjoyed eating sweets! Otherwise, I'm sure I would have had to purchase an entire new wardrobe (and probably several sizes bigger!).

Below are some more photos from her graduation reception. Here's a photo of an amazing plated dessert that included plum stew.

And here we have some delicious chocolate candies. This was one of my favorite parts of her program!

I think I could have lived on this chocolate cremeux....absolutely heavenly (or sinful, depending on your perspective!)

Needless to say, I didn't eat much for dinner that night after a spread like this!

Congratulations Karin on completing this amazing program! And many thanks for feeding me such delicious treats over the last six months!

Bravo Karin! You did it!

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.
-Oprah Winfrey