How's your Monday going so far? I decided to take some time for some art journaling today, inspired by the book The Creative Journal by Lucia Cappacchione.

These are the questions that led me to this journal page...
What is the theme of your personal growth at this time? What word describes the current challenge or lesson I'm dealing with right now?
The answer didn't come to me all that easily, either! As soon as I saw the word 'challenge' in the question, I immediately started thinking of the areas in my life where I am struggling. But I'm at a point in my life right now where I'm ready to stop struggling, and start enjoying life! That's when the word "ease" jumped in my head.
The exercise told us to think of any words that went along with our "Key Word"..."letting the words flow out quickly and spontaneously in free association." That's what all those "other" words came from. I started at the top left (relaxing) and ended at the bottom right (smiles). The word smiles was a direct result of my free association with the words God..Life...Cycles....Vespas :) I've actually been thinking of getting a Vespa to make my life easier (hee hee hee). We shall see about that...
Here's an "in the beginning" photo of my journal page. I always like seeing how the page progresses!

Thanks to Nikki for the rubber stamps that I used on this page! They went along with my theme so very well! In addition to the rubber stamps, I used Stabilo 0.4 markers, Zig and Micron markers, Golden acrylic paints and Whispers dye based inks. If I would have done anything differently in this page, I would have started with yellow paper (or painted the page yellow first). It would definitely add some sunshine to the page!!
So, what's your "Key Word" for the day? Do share it with me!!
And have a lovely Monday!
To be like the turtle - at ease in your own shell.
-Bill Copeland