Thursday, November 26, 2009

A Thankful A to Z for 2009

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

While turkey, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie are really great, Thanksgiving for me is the time to give thanks for all of the blessings in my life. Actually, I do try to do that every day of the year, but today, even more so!! So while I was on my way to Thanksgiving dinner today, I started an A to Z list of what I'm thankful for (thankfully for everyone on the road, I was in the passenger's seat while I made my list!!) Here goes...A Thankful A to Z for 2009:

A is for Air - and clean air is even better! Breathing really is a good thing! Oh...A is also for Art Supplies, which are right up there in importance with air for me!
B is for Books- I can barely get through a day without one
C is for Cars - it's amazing how fast you can get somewhere in one of those things!
D is for Delicious things to eat - way too many to list - I could probably do an A to Z list just on that!

E is for Emotions - even though they can sometimes be a real bummer, they're good to have - maybe I should pay attention to what they say to me a little more!
F is for Friends - I'd be lost without them, wouldn't you?
G is for Green Grass - especially in the summer with bare feet (in a yard with no dogs)!

H is for Hugs - Hooray for Hugs! Especially from people who are good huggers!
I is for Indoor Plumbing - honestly...I am so, so grateful for it!
J is for Jen (my older daughter - I'm so proud of her!)
K is for Karin (my younger daughter - I'm so proud of her, too! I really am blessed with wonderful kids!)

L is for Laughter - when it comes from truly joyful moments and from having fun with people you love to be around!
M is for Mail - the kind that makes you smile (not the other kind)
N is for Night time and all the possibilities it offers (stars, silence, etc.....)
O is for Otters they're just so fun to watch!
P is for Post it Notes - What a super cool invention, and it was all a mistake!

Q is for Quartets - especially playing in string quartets with people who make beautiful music together! Especially playing the Mendelssohn string quartet in A Minor (no, I'm not playing in the video)
R is for Red, Orange, Yellow....oh...ALL of the colors of the rainbow!
S is for um...Sunflowers :) My favorite flower (especially when you are standing in a field of thousands of them in Italy....until a stray dog comes up towards you barking wildly, that is)

T is for Trees - especially in the fall, or burr oaks any time of year!
U is for Unconditional Love - as I told a friend just yesterday, what a dream come true to be able to be yourself around someone, be understood and be loved!
V is for Antonio Vivaldi (Italian baroque composer who lived from 1678-1741 - if you've heard The Four Seasons ever, thats who I'm thanking!)

W is for Water - For drinking, swimming in, watering our earth, and its amazing cleansing properties! Good stuff!
X is for the Xtra special people in my life who I love so much!
Y is for You - thanks for stopping by to read my blog :)
Z is for Zebras, Dalmatians, Giraffes and other animals with crazy patterns!

Disclaimer: This list is not inclusive and is subject to change at any time!

What are you thankful for today? Let me know!!

Till Next Time,

If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," that would suffice.
-Meister Eckhart

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